Friday, July 10, 2009

Baby Love

While researching parenthood during my pregnancy with Haley I started reading The Baby Book by Dr. Sears and came across the section on attachment parenting. Well, the whole idea of being there to love & comfort your child & wearing them to keep them close sounded pretty good to me, so I immediately set out to find the best carrier. Wow, let me tell you there are a TON of different types of carriers out there, not to mention some very expensive ones & I found the thought of choosing "the right one" quite overwhelming. Now, let me tell you I had already been given a Baby Bjorn & the Ultimate Baby Wrap but, I still felt like I needed something else, maybe something I could nurse while wearing. So, I eventually decided on a ring sling by Posh Papoose. I also ended up purchasing a Peanut Shell pouch sling from Craigslist & my latest an Ergo Carrier. So, how do I like them? Let me tell ya...

Since unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of us using it, we'll start with the Baby Bjorn. Jon likes the Bjorn more than I do, mainly because my back very quickly starts to hurt while wearing it. I've also heard it's not great over time for a baby's spine & hips if you use it alot.

The Ultimate Baby Wrap

As you can see, we've used this from the very beginning. This picture was taken when Haley was only one week old & she was cuddled up & sleeping. I usually take it with us when we go for walks, so if she gets tired of the stroller, I can just wrap her up facing out, which she loves & we keep going. The only thing I dislike about this particular wrap is that the material is a little too stretchy, so now that Haley is heavier I find she starts to sag & I'm constantly tightening & readjusting it.

Peanut Shell Pouch Sling

This sling is great at putting Haley to sleep. I just snuggle her in, start walking around & viola! It took me a little time to get her in & out just right, but after watching an instructional video on Youtube I got it down.

Posh Papoose Ring Sling

When Haley was really little, I could never quite get this to fit right & she never gave me a chance. Everytime I would put her in it & try to adjust it she would start to cry, so I just gave up. Finally, a couple weeks ago I tried her in the hip carrying position & it worked great. Since then I've used it more & I've become more comfortable with it & we really like it.

Ergo Soft Structured Carrier

Finally, our favorite! This carrier is AWESOME! It is so comfortable & we love being able to wear Haley on our backs. We've also worn her in front, but my favorite is the back & I can even get her on & off by myself.

So, that's it. I'd love to try a mei tie carrier, but for now, I'm very happy with our stash. I also just recently won a KimzKreations Solarveil ring sling from Adventures in Babywearing. It's in the mail on its way here now, so I'll post about that once we've tried it.

1 comment:

KimzKreations Baby Slings said...

Hi Molly,
I found your blog by accident. I was doing a search for "KimzKreations" and your blog appeared. It is very nice!! You do a good job with everything...spelling, posting, picture taking, etc... :-)

I'd love to see a picture of you wearing Haley in your Solarveil sling.

Take care!!